Hidden History
My name is José Luis Espejo. I'm an historian and bookseller. Hidden History is a website where I expose an important part of my realizations and of my thought. Here you will find my edited work (Publicaciones), my videos (Videos), and an access to my bookshop (La Llibreria). But also hundreds of articles on the most different topics. I thought necessary to translate some of these articles into English with the intention to arrive to more people, all over the world. The reader will find that most of these articles allude to my research on Leonardo da Vinci. That doesn't mean that I'm not interested in others subjects (as shows my bibliography). What happens is that this hypothesis is a personal contribution that I want to promote, waiting that someday will be recognized as an indisputable historical fact, in the light of the evidence that I give (and I consider incontrovertible).
This new perspective in the life and in the work of Leonardo has to change the interpretation, not only of his message, but also of the historical and cultural environment in which Leonardo was immersed.
If you're a publisher (in any language that is not Spanish or Catalan), or simply you want to make some comments on my ideas or on my work, please get in touch with me writing a message here: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. .
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