The Great Pyramid: a stone book that hides a great secret

Recently (specifically, in March 2022) Iván Martínez, from VM Gran Misterio, has conducted an interview with me, in which, with the help of my colleague Diego Méndez, we have presented some of the fundamental ideas that are collected in our books Ecos de la Atlántida and El árbol de los mitos. Basically, in addition to comparing myths and symbols from different parts of the world, as regards the so-called "myth of origins", we compile a series of numerical constants that emerge from the detailed study, both geometric and arithmetical, of the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza. These were established by Sir Flinders Pétrie, at the end of the 19th century, and are still in force (see below).

Basically, these measurements show that the builders of the Great Pyramid had knowledge of the number Pi (Π), the number Fi (Φ) and the meter. We will demonstrate this with the following operations:

Π / 6 = 0.5236 (Giza royal cubit, basic measure of the Great Pyramid).

Φ2 / 5 = 0.5236 (Giza royal cubit).

It is noteworthy that the first of these arithmetic operations (Π / 6 = 0.5236) is equivalent to drawing a circumference of 3.14159 meters, with a diameter of 1 meter. This implies that the builders of the Great Pyramid knew the meter, which is equivalent to one ten-millionth of the distance between the Pole and the terrestrial Equator.

Moreover, if we divide the circumference of the earth (40,030 kilometers, if we look only at the diameter, and do not take into account the slight flattening of the poles) by the perimeter of the Great Pyramid at its base (926.1 meters), we will obtain a relation 1:43,200 (approximately). If we multiply 432 by 60 we obtain the number of years of the stellar cycle known as the Precession of the Equinoxes (25,920). I talk about all this in annexes 1 and 2.

Annex 1: Pi, Fi, the meter, and squaring the circle (below).

Annex 2: Interview with Iván Martínez, from VM Gran Misterio (below).

I recently had the opportunity to see an audiovisual document of great importance. This is the documentary La revelación de las pirámides. I advise the reader to take a look at it, as it provides a large amount of serious and verified information. Well, in that documentary I found a third relationship that I hadn't noticed:

Π - Φ2 = 0.5236 (Giza royal cubit).

Again, we get the royal cubit of the Great Pyramid. Which means that we can obtain this through the measurement of Pi, Fi, the standard meter, and the difference between Pi and the square of Fi. Amazing! This makes me think that not only is Fi a divine number (or golden, as it is called), but also the royal cubit of the Great Pyramid.

Viewing the documentary The Revelation of the Pyramids made me think of an idea that I had already expressed in Ecos de la Atlántida: What if the Great Pyramid is a "stone book" in which, in addition to encrypting a series of universal measurements, refers to a fact, or event, that took place in the past? The proximity of the Sphinx, which pointed to Regulus (in the constellation of Leo) when that star was located just in front of the monument, a little over 11,000 years ago (perhaps pointing to the Universal Deluge), makes me think of the possibility, mentioned in the aforementioned documentary, that the Great Pyramid is also a commemorative monument that intends to preserve -for later generations- a warning: perhaps the event that took place 11,000 years ago, and that is likely to happen again in the future, as a consequence of the great sidereal cycle called Precession of the Equinoxes. Note that the Great Pyramid incorporates the ratio 1:43,200, which if we reduce it to 432 (and multiply it by 60) gives us the exact number of the Great Precessional Year: 25,920 years, divided into 12 Zodiacal eras.

Thus, the Great Pyramid would be a scale model of the dimensions of the Earth (1:43,200) and the duration of the Great Precessional Year (25,920 years).

Another documentary, with which I have some discrepancies in detail, but which from my point of view contributes valuable ideas regarding the Forbidden History, has an impact on this aspect: the Great Pyramid warns us that a great catastrophe is happening suddenly. periodic on Earth, at a certain moment of the Great Precessional Cycle. This great catastrophe would have coincided, in the past, with the so-called Younger Dryas, which happened about 12,800 years ago. As I said above, in Ecos de la Atlántida I mention a similar idea, put forward by Martin B. Sweatman and Dimitrios Tsikritsis of the University of Edinburgh in their article “Decoding Göbleki Tepe with Archaeoastronomy: what does the fox say?” .

In the Abstract of this work it is literally stated: “We have interpreted much of the symbolism at Göbekli Tepe in terms of astronomical events. Comparing the bas-reliefs on some of the pillars at Göbekli Tepe with asterisms of stars we find clear evidence that the famous 'vulture stone' marks the date of 10950 BC. C. +/- 250 years, which corresponds to the Younger Dryas event [see above], estimated around 10890 BC. We have also found evidence that Göbekli Tepe's primary function was to observe meteor showers and signal comet encounters. In fact, the people of Göbekli Tepe had a special interest in the Taurid meteor stream, the same meteor stream that is proposed to be responsible for the Younger Dryas event. Is Göbekli Tepe the smoking gun [the definitive proof] of the planetary encounter that caused the Younger Dryas, and as a consequence, of a coherent catastrophism?

Now I think that like the builders of Göbleki Tepe, dated around 11,500 before the present (approximately), those who built the Great Pyramid wanted to make future generations  (with respect to their times)  of an event, perhaps recurrent in time, which took place in the Age of Leo, and could happen again in the future. This event would be related to the so-called Taurid meteors (according to Martin B. Sweatman and Dimitrios Tsikritsis), or to the so-called Planet X and the Dead Sun, located beyond the Kuiper belt, on the outer edge of our solar system (according to the authors of the documentary Forbidden History).

The measurements of the Great Pyramid according to Flinders Pétrie

To finish, I would like to present here some quotations from two works by Sir Flinders Pétrie, in which he documents his precise and exhaustive measurement of the Great Pyramid. These works are:

I) The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, published in 1883.

II) The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh (extended version), published in 1883.

He says (I, page 28): “The four sides there yield a mean value of 20'632 [inches] +/- 004, and this is certainly the best determination of the cubit [real cubit] that we can hope from the Great Pyramid”. According to his measurements, the tomb in the King's Chamber had a height of 2 cubits (II, 86), or 41.31 inches. From this measurement of the cubit, established from English inches, he gives a commonly accepted measurement of the Great Pyramid of 440 royal cubits on a side by 280 royal cubits in height (II, 183). Furthermore, he considers that these measurements (440 cr versus 280 cr) are confirmed by what he calls “Pi number theory” (II, 199).

And what does this theory of the number Pi consist of? He explains it himself: “For the whole form the Π proportion (height is the radius of a circle = circumference of Pyramid) has been very generally accepted of late years, and is a relation strongly confirmed by the presence of the numbers 7 and 22 in the number of cubits in height and base respectively; 22:7 being one of the best known approximations to Π” (I, 93). One of the fruits of this relationship 440 cr (base of one side of the pyramid) by 280 cr (height of the pyramid) is its inclination (51o51') (II, 184), which bases the rest of the measures and proportions of the monument (see below), both inside and outside (II, 222).

In addition to pointing out the close precision of the monument, which has Pi as its unit of reference or measurement (from which, as we have seen, we obtain the actual cubit of the Great Pyramid), Flinders Pétrie echoes the perfection in the carving of the blocks, so well fitted that not even a hair fits between block and block: “In fact, the means employed for placing and cementing the blocks of soft limestone, weighing a dozen to twenty tons each, with such hair-like joints, are almost inconceivable at present” (I, 86). The aforementioned metrologist and scholar also marvels at the elaborate drilling of stone vessels found in Egypt during the Old Kingdom, or in other pieces of hard stone such as granite, in which mechanical pressure (not manual) of up to two tons has been made. Not to mention the regularity and perfection of each of the curves of this drilling, or the incredible speed of execution, in stones as hard as feldspar or quartz, which excludes manual work (I, 78; II, 177 ).

Flinders Pétrie also exposes his ignorance of the Great Pyramid builders' methods of raising the stone blocks to great heights (I, 84), and alludes to the curious circumstance that inside, except for the markings of the discharge chamber (above the Chamber of the King), no inscriptions of any kind are found (I, 90). Be that as it may, he reaches the following conclusion: “[The Great Pyramid] There may be seen the very beginning of architecture, the most enormous piles of building ever raised, the most accurate construction known, the finest masonry, and the employment of the most ingenious tools” (I, 1).

Annex 1: Pi, Fi, the meter, and squaring the circle

Here I present a passage from my article The great pyramid was not built in the time of Cheops: all the evidence.

Jean Pierre Adam writes: “It is necessary to know that, of all the civilizations of Antiquity, from China to Rome, Egypt has certainly been the most indifferent to research in general, and especially to mathematics ... Egypt, in all its history, has transmitted only seven documents dealing with the subject, of which only one, the Rhind papyrus, is of some importance. This is how we know that Egypt was satisfied with a number Pi = 3, like many other peoples, and that it never managed to overcome the multiplication table by two. A single exception appears in the form of calculating the surface of the circle, using the elevation to the square of the 8/9 of the diameter, which would give a value of Pi = 3.16, but nothing proves that the author of the exercise has thought never to get a value of Pi, which also would have been unable to write ”(page 168).

 In my book Ecos de la Atlántida we find the following reasoning: “The number Pi (Π) [3,14159] is the door of Knowledge (hence it is represented with its Greek sign, which has the shape of a door). It is the fundamental key of Geometry, and at the same time of Gnosis. What relationship does it have with the Great Pyramid? Next I am about to show that this enormous construction represents another method of preserving memory. This 'stone book' is not only a 'memorial' of a past event (which it is), but also the receptacle of Sacred Knowledge (Gnosis) ... We have the proof in the basic measure of the entire set of the Great Pyramid: the royal cubit of the pyramid of Cheops. This, which measures 0.5236 meters (later we will check how we can obtain this figure from the study of the geometry of the monument), is the result of dividing Π by 6 (the result is 0.523598). Later on we will verify that Pi is used by the builders of the pyramid to obtain, from a given inclination of its faces (51 degrees 51 minutes), the 'squaring of the circle', having the perimeter of its four faces as the base of the square , and the height as the radius of the circle. But from the royal cubit (0.5236) we also obtain the so-called 'golden number': Fi (Φ). This is evident if we perform the following operation: Φ2 / 5 (the result is 0.5236). This sacred number (Φ) is also found in the geometry of the pyramid, as we will see in due course ”(page 382).

The Fi number, also called the "golden ratio," or "golden number," is expressed by the number 1.618033. In geometric terms it constitutes "the existing relationship in the equation 'AB is to AC as AC is to BC.', Being C an interior point of the segment that joins A and B". This proportion, which during the 16th century was known in Italy as Divine Proportion, is also related to another irrational number well known to geometers and builders: the number Pi (see above). Although the Fi number was discovered by the mathematician Leonardo de Pisa, better known as Fibonacci (1175-1250), it was presumably used since ancient times (in this case, it is implicit in the proportions of the Great Pyramid).

Not only that. Those who built the Great Pyramid knew the measurement today called the standard meter: the ten millionth part of the distance that separates the Pole from the terrestrial Equator, according to the definition of the French Academy of Sciences (from the late 18th century). This is easy to demonstrate.: If we draw a line one meter long, which makes the diameter of a circle, its circumference will measure 3.14159 meters. Well, an arc equivalent to 1/6 of said circumference (marked by a hexagon inscribed in it) measures exactly 0.5236 meters; again, the royal cubit of the Great Pyramid. What does that mean, besides the obvious fact that the builders of this monument knew the exact dimensions of the Earth (the geodetic meter), and also such complex numbers (and at the same elementary) such as the number Pi and the number Fi?


Obtaining the royal cubit from the meter as a standard measure

André Pochan (page 148) accepts the value given by Flinders Pétrie of the royal cubit of the pyramid of Cheops: “From the twelve measurements made on the walls of the chamber, Pétrie obtains the value of the cubit, that is 0.52367 meters, value which must be considered as the best and closest to the cubit that was used during the IV Dynasty ”. And what values in cubits do we find in the Great Pyramid? They are numerous: the width of the Great Gallery (including the side benches) is 4 cr (royal cubits); the length of the King's Chamber is 20 cr; the width of the King's Chamber is 10 cr; the height of the sarcophagus of the King's Chamber is 2 cr; the dimensions of the Queen's Chamber are: length (11 cr), width (10 cr), height (9 cr), top (12 cr); plinth of the pyramid (1 cr). And let us especially note the base of a face (440 cr) and the height of the pyramid (280 cr, to which we must add a real elbow of the socket). It so happens that if we add the length of the base (440 cr) and the diameter of the circle that has the height as a radius (280 cr x 2 = 560 cr) we obtain a length of 1,000 royal cubits. This is no accident, of course. And it gives us an idea that the builders of the Great Pyramid knew the decimal number base.

Now we have to ask ourselves. Is there evidence that the builders of the Great Pyramid knew the meter? The answer is yes. To give an example, the King's Chamber of the pyramid of Cheops is exactly 43 meters high above the base; the diagonal of its main wall measures 12 meters, and its volume is 321 m. However, the King's Chamber is calculated in royal cubits, which comply with the so-called "isiac triangle" (or Pythagoras, with the proportions 3/4/5): the diagonal of its smaller wall (15 cr), the length (20 cr) and the interior diagonal (25 cr) form a triangle of proportions 15/20/25 that, when dividing its lengths by 5, turns out to be the triangle 3/4/5 (Miquel Pérez-Sánchez Pla).

Miquel Pérez-Sánchez Pla writes: “Among the particularities that the monument already presented at the beginning there are four especially important: an approximation to the squaring of the circle; the presence of the number Fi - or golden number -, equal to 1.6180 and considered the number of beauty; its orientation with the four cardinal points; and the proportion between the height of the monument and the distance to the sun ”. Next we will deal with the first three.

Pi and Fi are clearly recognizable in the pyramid of Cheops. To obtain these numbers we will use the measurements made by Flinders Pétrie, which are usually employed as reference data: 440 royal cubits as the side of the base of the pyramid, and 280 royal cubits as its height. As regards to Pi, it is enough to calculate the perimeter of its base (1,760 royal cubits) and compare it with the result of multiplying the height (280 royal cubits, equivalent to the radius) by 2Π (2 x 3.14159 = 6, 28318). This gives us 1,759.3 royal cubits. Ultimately, we obtain the number Pi by dividing the perimeter of the base of the pyramid of Cheops by twice its height. 

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Obtaining the number Pi from the measurements of the Great Pyramid. Here the approximation to the "squaring of the circle" is fulfilled in a geometric way (source: Peter Tompkins)

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Obtaining arithmecally the number Pi

Here we find two "coincidences". First, the result of Pi (3.14286) coincides with the product of the division between 22 and 7 (which is at the base of all pyramid calculations, as Flinders Pétrie indicates). Second, the base of the pyramid is a square whose perimeter is equal to the circumference of a circle whose radius is the height of the pyramid. In short, in the Great Pyramid, the so-called “squaring of the circle” is fulfilled - to a great extent. In order for this result to be obtained, the constructors had to know the number Pi with fairly considerable precision, which contradicts our view of Egyptian mathematics (expressed above by Jean Pierre Adam).

(Flinders Pétrie makes it quite clear. Considered that the Egyptians calculated the number Pi as the result of dividing 22 by 7. Doing the corresponding calculation [3.142857 x 2 x 280], the result is 1,759.99, which coincides with the area of the base of the pyramid [1760 royal cubits]. André Pochan, page 148.)

As regards the number Fi, its calculation is very simple, given the proportions of the Great Pyramid: we have to draw the apothem of one of its faces, which divides its base in half (440: 2 = 220 royal cubits). If the value of the base of a half-face is 1 (220 royal cubits), the apothem is given by Fi (220 x 1.618033 = 355.97 royal cubits), and the height takes on the root value of Fi (220 x 1.27 = 279.84 royal cubits). In short, we obtain a good approximation of Fi (1.61818) dividing the apothem (356 royal cubits) by the half face of the base (220 royal cubits).

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Obtaining the Fi number from the measurements of the Great Pyramid (source: Peter Tompkins)

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Obtaining arithmecally the number Fi

How can we obtain these results? (The number Pi, the number Fi, and the squaring of the circle). For this, it is necessary that the inclination of the pyramid is exactly 51 degrees and 51 minutes. Only in this way can the “square of the circle” be achieved (in which the ratio of its height to the perimeter of its base is equal to the ratio of the radius of a circle to its circumference). But also the royal cubit must have a very precise length: exactly 0.5236 cm. And how did the builders of the Great Pyramid achieve this measure? They did so by applying a simple rule, which presupposes knowledge of the geodetic meter: if we draw a line one meter long, which makes the diameter of a circle, the circumference will measure 3.14159 meters (equal to the number Pi). Well, an arc equivalent to 1/6 of said circumference (marked by a hexagon inscribed in it) measures exactly 0.5236 meters: it is the real cubit of the Great Pyramid. In this way, the real cubit of the pyramid of Cheops is the result of the knowledge: 1) of the meter and 2) of the number Pi (again).

 All this suggests that the builders of the Great Pyramid were familiar with the shape and size of the Earth, since the meter (which is the basis for the measurement of the Egyptian royal cubit) is the ten-millionth part of a meridian arc between the pole and the equator (see above). An indication of this "sublime science" is in the perfect orientation with respect to true North, and its incredible precision: the base is uniform, with a deviation of only 2.1 cm; the mean deviation of the sides from the cardinal points is an arc of 3 minutes 6 seconds; and the largest difference in length of the sides (for an average of 230.41 m) is 4.4 cm. Peter Tompkins writes: "The Great Pyramid was so precisely aligned with the cardinal points of the compass that it surpassed in precision any human construction made to date [in the time of Flinders Pétrie]".

 Note that Jean Pierre Adam attributes to the poor precision of the number Pi of the ancient Egyptians (which he figures as 3) the reason “why the inclination of the sides of the pyramid of Cheops gives a value of 51º50 '” (page 168 ), when in fact the opposite happens. It is precisely this inclination that ensures that the fundamental measurements of Pi, Fi, the royal cubit and the square of the circle (and even the geodetic meter) are fulfilled, implicit in a very clear and evident way in the proportions of the Great Pyramid. This is not a minor error in the work of Jean Pierre Adam, as we have seen.

Annex 2: Interview with Iván Martínez, from VM Gran Misterio (March 2022)


IVÁN MARTÍNEZ: There is a very important part in this, but very few people know about it. In Egypt, next to the Sphinx, there is a small temple, a temple that is not touristic, it is not walkable, it is closed. There I was able to take some impressive photos of some giant stone blocks… They are gigantic blocks in one piece; but what is impressive is that they were behind other blocks that are more modern, covering these older ones. And the photos speak for themselves. They are two types of stone that exist in Egypt, in terms of its ancient construction, that do not fit together; more similar to Sacsahuaman [in Peru] than to what we have in Egypt itself, as if there had been two types of constructions: one ultra-ancient, and another from the new Egypt that was built on top... There is nothing like it in Egypt, only in that temple.

JOSÉ LUIS ESPEJO: We should also talk about the Osireion of Abydos, which has very similar stones, for example, to those of the temple of the Sphinx...

IVÁN MARTÍNEZ: Right, … in the Osireion there is also that type of construction. What happens is that many times it is flooded with water, they don't let you go down. But the times they let you down you see it. And there was also a very strange symbol on the wall...

JOSÉ LUIS ESPEJO: The Flower of Life. This symbol is very curious. I give it a certain meaning, because note that it is a sexifolia, and this appears, for example, in the rural symbology of the Iberian Peninsula… What does sexifolia mean? It is called the Flower of Life. I think that the fundamental part of this symbol is the number 6, because one of the things that I think we have highlighted in this book [Ecos de la Atlántida] as in El árbol de los mitos is the importance of 6 and 60… The Egyptians they had a numeral system of base 10, practically from the fourth millennium before Christ. However, the pyramid of Cheops has a base 6 numeral system, which is the one that must be attributed, for example, to Sumeria. Why?... One of the things that is not usually talked about is that the royal cubit of the pyramid of Cheops, which is 0.5236 meters, is found in the base of the pyramid, but you also find it in what it is the tomb of the king's chamber, which is two royal cubits high. It is easy to distinguish and calculate. In fact, it was done by Flinders Pétrie, who was a measurement specialist. By the way, the word pyramid has the word middá [The name “pyramid” derives from the Greek πυρα (pyre, “fire”) and —paradoxically— from the Hebrew הדמ (midda, “measuring”)]. In short, this real cubit is obtained by dividing the number Pi [Π] by 6. If you divide the number Π, which is 3.14159, by 6 you have exactly the royal cubit. And not only that… If you make a circumference with a diameter of one meter you have exactly a circumference of 3.14159 [meters]. Which means that the Egyptians not only knew the number Π, but also knew the meter. And if they knew the meter they knew the size of the Earth. Because a meter is one ten-millionth of the distance between the Equator and the Pole. But not only that. They also knew the number Fi [Φ], which is so important in mathematics, and it is the number - let's say - of gold, which is called. How can the number Φ be obtained? You just have to see the next operation. Φ2/5 [Fi squared divided by five] is exactly the real cubit: 0.5236. I encourage viewers to do these calculations with a calculator and you will see. What does all this mean? That inside the great pyramid there is a series of measurements and figures of high mathematics that are incomprehensible in a Chalcolithic society, in the year 2500 before Christ, which is -more or less- when the pyramid was dated... They are incomprehensible. What this means is that the Great Pyramid is hiding, encrypting, a series of measurements and knowledge that come -let's say- from a very technological society, with high mathematical knowledge, which are not compatible with a society from the copper era , from the time of Cheops. And another very curious thing too, which must be said... This book, Ecos de la Atlántida, we have divided into two parts. The first part is what I call The Legend, where we basically talk about comparative mythology and comparative symbology. The second part is what I call, what we call, The Inheritance, where we talk about both the material legacy and the immaterial legacy. Both the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid are part of the so-called Material Legacy, and that "material legacy" encrypts a series of knowledge and secrets; of measures. But later, if we talk about the Immaterial Legacy, we can talk, for example, about what the Map of the Sky is, which is the Firmament. We could talk about that, and we could expand a lot. For example, the meaning of the Swastika, in relation to the constellation of Hercules, which at that time was called "the knees of Hercules". 11,000 years ago the Pole was in the middle of the knees of Hercules. If we rotate the knees of Hercules we have the Trinacria, which is the primitive Swastika. We are talking about an antiquity of 11,000 years. But then we can see other things. For example, what I call the “seal”; the "seal of the Ancients". When we see for example the constellation of Canis Maioris, the constellation of Orion and the constellation of Taurus we see three symbols or signs. The first would be the "rosa canina", the "dog star" [Sirius], which the Freemasons turned into the "rosa canina"; Keep in mind that the rose is a symbol of "secret". When we talk about Orion's belt we are talking about the three stars, or three points, which is a Masonic symbol. And when we talk about Taurus we are talking about the Hyades, which is a stellar group... in the shape of a compass or the letter A. We are talking here about the three fundamental symbols of universal Freemasonry. When do I consider this map of Heaven, which includes Hercules, which includes Draco, to be made? Hercules kills the Dragon… If we look at a star map we will see that in the northern part Hercules kills the Dragon, which is like saying that the hero kills the beast. I would only like to mention one example of this myth, which is that of Indra killing the celestial serpent Vritra. This appears in the Rig Veda. Literally it is said: Indra killed the celestial serpent, and then the waters began to flow. What does the celestial serpent represent, that is, Draco? Represents the boreal glaciers. What does the fact that Indra, or the Hero, may already be Gilgamesh, may already be Hercules, may already be Orion, or different heroes that appear in universal mythology, kill the dragon represent? It means that the waters begin to run. And that's kind of a mythical explanation of the Flood. When the boreal glaciers melted, the waters began to circulate and flow. That was obviously a great catastrophe. And then also, to end this topic because it is getting a bit long, I want to talk about the fact that, within the intangible heritage, or the intangible legacy, we would have to talk about the name of the deity, within the Judeo-Christian cultural area, in what I am registered, to which I belong… We are talking about Yahweh and Elohim. Yahweh is how the deity was called in Judah, in southern Israel. Elohim is how the deity was called in northern Israel, in Samaria. Well, I think it's no coincidence that "I am who I am", that famous phrase that the deity said to Moses, appears in Exodus 3:14. Chapter 3, verse 14. Curiously, 3.14 is the number Pi [Π]. It is also not by chance that Elohim is written as Alhim, and has the value of the numerical Qabalah [Gematria] of 3.1415. And I am going to read it to you: Elohim [Alhim] is made up of Aleph, which has the number 1, Lamed, the number 30, He, the number 5, Yod, the number 10, and Mem, the number 40. This is the numeric Kabbalah; that is, the numerical value of each of these letters. If we rearrange them [if it is an anagram] we have the number 3.1415 [using for this the first digit of each figure]. Again the number Π. Is it by chance? Obviously not. That means that at a certain moment, what I call a "committee of wise men", encrypted certain information, which in this case is the number Pi, in the name of the deity. Both in the South, that is, in Judah, that is, the name of Yahweh, and in the North, which is Elohim. What do I mean by that? That when we are talking about... When the Freemasons, for example, talk about the deity having the... representative letter G, we are talking about Gnosis, that is, knowledge, the G for Geometry, and the G for God. We are talking about the Great Architect. What I mean by this? Now to finish. That knowledge is very old, it has been transmitted from generation to generation, that it is visible to all… You just have to know how to read it; and to read it you have to have the key to the symbology; know the symbols to be able to read, let's say, the hidden knowledge, which is visible to everyone. And that there is a "committee of wise men" that has somehow preserved that knowledge from generation to generation, since ancient times. Both in an immaterial way, that is, representing it in the heavens, in the Firmament, with the Map of the Sky, and in great works, such as the pyramid of Cheops. And with this I finish.

IVÁN MARTÍNEZ: In fact, aside from what you've said, the G is also a spiral. It is the golden number with the Fibonacci sequence… The secret of mathematics hidden in those symbols that secret societies have left us, now discreet. And of course, ancient man, those cultures, whoever discovered mathematics, was knowledge for a select few, for a few who could transmit it and were suspicious of it. Just like secret societies; that is to say, the ancients formed the secret societies without having the names of today, but stories also resonate with me, such as the tablets in Sumer, which spoke of the Apkallu, the Seven Wise Men, also known as seven individuals, characters, or beings, from outside, which were distributed throughout the world and generated, or copied, a part of the mother culture, in their own way, with symbols that coincided. One of them was the story of Oannes, the fish-man, who came out of the water, although there are certain variations in older stories that told us that he came out in a bucket in the water. They are older stories, but definitely there was someone or something, with a mother knowledge, who copied it in other places.

JOSÉ LUIS ESPEJO: … That Oannes was converted, in the Jewish tradition, into Ioannes, John.

IVÁN MARTÍNEZ: Yes, I saw that in the Vatican. In the Vatican yo see Oannés, big. I was pulling the thread, and it is indeed what you say.


JOSÉ LUIS ESPEJO: The ancient equator [Jim Alison's theory] would have as a pole [a point located] in the area of Alaska, but that is impossible, because 18,000 years ago the Pole was in the approximate area of Greenland… What does that mean? Whatever the ancient Ecuador is, it has nothing to do with an inclination of the earth's axis... The ancient Ecuador has an angle, with respect to the current earth's axis, of 30 degrees. It is as if there had been a displacement of the earth's axis of 30 degrees; but it is known that 18,000 years ago, which was the height of the last ice age, the Earth's axis was in the Greenland area. It was not in Alaska… Which means that this ancient Ecuador marks something that is not a climatological or geophysical issue, but rather marks something else. There must be something in Alaska or its surroundings that explains the reason for that ancient Ecuador. An Ecuador of 40,000 exact kilometers, which divides the Earth in two. That is something unknown. What is there to explain the fact that this ancient equator exists if climatologically, and by means of geomorphology and geophysics it is not explainable?... For there to have been an ancient equator with that contour [with a slope 30 degrees from today's equator, according to Jim Alison's theory], there would have to have been a shift of the continents, or a 30-degree axis shift. And that has not been scientifically proven. The wobble of the earth's axis is what explains the seasons, for example... The fact that there is spring and summer, and that we don't always have the same climate... What is the "precession of the equinoxes" thing? Simply this wobble of the terrestrial axis [inclined 23.5 degrees] produces a displacement of the constellations, on a specific point, at the vernal equinox, that is, at the spring equinox, of approximately 1 degree every 72 years; and this lasts 25,920 years. And this displacement occurs contrary to the movement of the planet, movement of translation and rotation. That is to say, it has a clockwise direction, it does not have an anticlockwise direction… But it is purely visual. We simply see the constellations, the stars, move across the horizon at a rate of 1 degree every 72 years. In total, 25,920 years [72 x 360 = 25,920].

IVÁN MARTÍNEZ: Purely visual, but in the past it could have governed the constructions as well.

JOSÉ LUIS ESPEJO: Yes. What does this mean? Well, that "committee of wise men" established that each zodiacal age would have its own gods. There are the bull gods, the ram gods, the fish gods, the lion gods… And that brings me to the subject of the Sphinx. The Sphinx is oriented perfectly to the East. The Sphinx is named Horus on the Horizon. What does that mean? It just so happens that… in 9000 BC, specifically on May 28, 9000 BC. [according to the Stellarium program], the star Regulus, which is the Heart of the Lion, has that name, it was perfectly facing the Sphinx. The Lion [the Sphinx] was facing the Lion [the Leo constellation]. Moreover, with Regulus, which is the only star in Leo that coincides with the Ecliptic. And what is the Ecliptic? It is, say, the apparent path of the Sun on the Horizon. Well, exactly 11,000 years ago, just over 11,000 years ago, well that happened in 9000 BC, in what was the spring equinox of 9000 BC, which happened on May 28, there was a correspondence between the Sphinx and the Regulus star. That happened only once. It happens only once every 25,920 years. And it so happens that at that time the Pole was between the knees of Hercules. If we look at a sky chart we will see that Hercules is on top of Draco, and between his knees, between his legs, we see that there is an empty space. The Pole was there 11,000 years ago. That is the origin of the Swastika, which is one of the oldest symbols in existence. And that obviously has nothing to do with the Nazis. On the other hand, the usual Swastika is dextrorotatory, that is, it turns to the right, and that of the Nazis was counterclockwise, which turns to the left. What does this mean? Well, those who built the Sphinx knew perfectly well the Precession of the Equinoxes. That is, that time cycle of 25,920 years. Moreover, we can also say one thing. Those who built the pyramids turned the pyramid of Cheops into a scale model of the Earth. Why? Because if we compare the perimeter of the pyramid, including the plinth, which is 927.1 meters [926.1 meters actually], with the perimeter of the Earth, the Equator, which is 40,030 kilometers [if we calculate it from the diameter , without taking into account a slight flattening of the Poles, as actually happens], and we do the division, we get a scale of 1:43,200 [approximately], which leads us to the number 432, which together with 72 and 60 are sacred numbers around the world. If we multiply 432 by 60, and there we return to the issue of sexagesimal numbering used by the builders of the Great Pyramid... If we multiply 432 by 60 we have exactly 25,920, which is the number of years of the precession. In other words, the Great Pyramid, at the same time that tells us the number Pi, the number Fi, and the meter, it is also telling us that it is a scale model of the Earth at a scale of 1:43,200, and it is also telling us the exact duration of the Great Precessional Cycle, which is 25,920 meters [years]. It is one more example that in the Great Pyramid, the pyramid of Cheops, there are many figures, many proportions, which are encrypted, that you only have to see through, let's say... make a few rules of three, a few multiplications and divisions. It is not too complicated to establish these correlations.

DIEGO MÉNDEZ: Much of this material that you are giving, we have also based on a cum laude doctoral thesis by Miquel Pérez Sánchez... from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, of which I was lucky enough to attend some of its conferences, and thanks to the book [by Miguel Pérez Sánchez] I have some data that are surprising, amazing. For example, the number Pi not only appears in these measurements that José Luis Espejo has given us, but if we add up all the visible surfaces of the Great Pyramid, it gives us in real cubits precisely the number of 314,159, that is, 314159. Again the number Pi is also there. And for example, meters. They measure in meters. How can we know that they knew the meter, apart from the fact that Π/6 of a circumference of a meter in diameter gives us the real cubit, which is precisely the height of the base of the Great Pyramid. It seems as if they were indicating the measurement standard of the Great Pyramid, both the meter and the royal cubit. The volume of the king's chamber is 321.00 cubic meters. The height of the King's chamber is also 43.00 meters [from the floor of the Giza plateau], or the edge of the Great Pyramid is also given in exact meters, 218.00. In other words, we have a series of figures that are there, that are verifiable, that are simply there. Now, the conclusion that we can draw from all this, well, let each one think for himself. The meter, its measure was defined at the end of the 18th century, I seem to remember. As José Luis Espejo had already told us, it is one ten-millionth of half of a terrestrial meridian.

IVÁN MARTÍNEZ: Not even our machines are that perfect. 0.0001 margin of error. We can't make a Great Pyramid. I'd say it's almost impossible.

DIEGO MENDEZ: Exactly. That question was asked by José Luis Espejo. He asked me as an engineer. With today's machinery and technology, would we be able to build the Great Pyramid? I say, well, it would be one of the greatest monuments made today in the world, but we have pulleys, we have cranes, we can move tons and tons. But the fact is also in designing it. Design it with all this that we are commenting on, all this numerology. And all this knowledge. We are talking…

IVÁN MARTÍNEZ: Diego, how long did it take to build the Great Pyramid? How many years does history leave us?

DIEGO MÉNDEZ: Of course, there is no more data, I think I remember, what Herodotus gives us regarding the years of construction of the Great Pyramid. He tells us about 20 years.

IVÁN MARTÍNEZ: The new Egyptian museum, which was in Cairo and now they are putting it on the Giza plain, has taken more than 30 years. So you can see. Today's technology is slower when it comes to building... Sure, we can't compare it to the Great Pyramid, but... It's that key point that today we may not be able to copy what they did in the past...

DIEGO MÉNDEZ: Only the design of the Great Pyramid is brutal. It is not only the external part, but we already know that the internal part has different chambers... The underground chamber, you told me the other day, I don't know if you noticed that there were some gamma symbols, like L's but inverted... This is also discussed in the book. I think it's the beginning of the book [Ecos de la Atlántida]. That gamma, somehow, this G that we were talking about, of Geometry, or of God, or of the Freemasons, perhaps is also related. In the book, of course, what is tried is to look for connections with all these anomalies, with all these symbolic elements... I think that the work of comparative mythology that Ecos de la Atlántida has is very important. Hence, it has been a kind of springboard to think about the new book, a new book called El árbol de los mitos. It is an atlas of comparative mythology, and one of the few, if not the only one, that speaks and compares mythologies from all over the world, without exception. I don't know if there were about 300 different cultures, contrasted with each other, with some tables that will help the reader understand all these analogies and coincidences between different cultures, and somehow I think that Ecos de la Atlántida [El árbol de los mitos] has focused above all on some of these mythemes, understanding mytheme as those common elements in the myth… There are two or three myths that are discussed in Ecos de la Atlántida, which would be the Deluge… The Deluge is one of those myths spread by everywhere, and then the Civilizing Hero. You spoke, you commented, Oannes, for example, would be a Civilizing Hero. We have Quetzalcoatl, we have Osiris, and so, scattered throughout the world, in all its mythologies, there is always some wise man, or some god, who favors knowledge. We already have Prometheus, for example, who is the giver of fire, and in different cultures we also have a giver of fire who is a god. That is to say, that encrypted knowledge, that knowledge somehow encapsulated in the myths, in the symbology, is what Ecos de la Atlántida is about. Try to elucidate what knowledge these gods brought us, where these gods came from... Hence Ecos de la Atlántida. Where do these gods come from? What is the original earth? The origin of these divinities… Many of these myths tell us that these gods come by sea, they were navigators, therefore in some way also in the myth when we see the catastrophes that it speaks of, they end humanity, by divine punishment. Normally, these catastrophes are by fire and water, and somehow something falls from the sky as well. The sky is cloudy, the sun is black. There is no light. And then what happens? A rise in sea level.

JOSÉ LUIS ESPEJO: I would like to make a note there, when you talk about the sun turning black. That appears both in Greek mythology, in the myth of Phaethon, and in Egyptian mythology [the myth of Sekhmet], as well as in Mayan mythology. , in the Popol Vuh. I would like to talk about the myth of blind Orion. Or of the blind Horus, whose eyes are gouged out. Horus, when he fights Seth, Horus tears off his testicles and part of his thigh, hence the myth of Mekhestiu, in Egyptian mythology, while Seth tears out [Horus'] eyes. Whenever this great conflagration happens, which is at the same time a battle, it is a fight, the hero is blinded. Orion also remains blind in the myth, after a series of adventures he has with Atlas and his daughters, for example with Merope; Merope disappears… I mean, one way [the myths] have of symbolizing this darkness is the “blind hero”. It is very curious and it is also something universal. I also want to make a note on the subject of heroes. Before you spoke of the Apkallu, who were seven. The Annedotus were also seven [in Sumeria], the Rishi were also seven [in India], the Shebtiu were also seven [in Egypt]... The Shebtiu were the builder gods of the beginning of time. The number 7 appears constantly when we talk about the Civilizing Heroes... We also talk about the Maruts (in India), the Nommos (in Sudan)... These Civilizing Heroes, who are not only one, but who come as a team, in company... something universal, they appear in all the myths of the world...

